There are so many variables in exactly what your next experience will be and the more time you spend on appreciating the now and enjoying the idea of your desires to come the easier it is to move into the next lovely experience. Most of us have been trained in the habit of making life difficult without even knowing we are doing it. We do it with all the best intentions as did those that taught us how to do it had good intentions as well.
We were taught to be safe, be responsible, be sensible, pleasure was a reward for hardship endured, and if there was a problem then face it and wrestle it to the ground. As you can see by the amazing (sarcasm dripping here) success that those that taught us these pearls are having and how successful those ideas are in our own life maybe those ideas weren’t actually correct. The misguided beliefs that drive our actions just below our awareness and the ones we actually are aware of create the experience we are now living. This experience, though it may not seem perfect, is actually perfect for you in the sense that it can direct you to the beliefs that don’t serve you. It may even be the next step toward fulfilling the dream you have been having that you are afraid to move toward. Examples, though simplified, are like when someone loses a job they don’t really love or find they must relocate from an area that they aren’t completely thrilled about or are left by a significant other who doesn’t adore and cherish them. Obviously all of that could be avoided if we moved toward our dreams with the passion we intended in the first place. Of course it doesn’t mean you can’t easily find your way to your dream life without having those kind of drama filled experiences unless you abandon your present life completely and chase your dream to the exclusion of all other things. You truly get to do it your own way and at your own pace.
It does mean that where you are now is perfect for who you think you are now and for discovering who you truly are and then easily moving toward what you really want to experience.
You are truly a magnificent and amazing, unique person who deserves and can easily flow into the experience you truly want with all your heart.
The other issue is that all of those people in your life that you love and enjoy will easily move into their dream life with you and it will fit together like a puzzle. Do not worry about how the picture will look when you have one for it will be more beautiful with all the puzzle pieces together than one piece alone and they will fit easily. All you have to do is take care of your own dream and desire, love yourself unconditionally and become aware of the guidance that is being given in each moment. It may seem selfish but it is the only way to help and love anyone else with integrity allowing them the same power you will eventually remember is yours.Examples, though simplified, are like when someone loses a job they don’t really love or find they must relocate from an area that they aren’t completely thrilled about or are left by a significant other who doesn’t adore and cherish them. Obviously all of that could be avoided if we moved toward our dreams with the passion we intended in the first place. Of course it doesn’t mean you can’t easily find your way to your dream life without having those kind of drama filled experiences unless you abandon your present life completely and chase your dream to the exclusion of all other things. You truly get to do it your own way and at your own pace.
It does mean that where you are now is perfect for who you think you are now and for discovering who you truly are and then easily moving toward what you really want to experience.
You are truly a magnificent and amazing, unique person who deserves and can easily flow into the experience you truly want with all your heart.
The other issue is that all of those people in your life that you love and enjoy will easily move into their dream life with you and it will fit together like a puzzle. Do not worry about how the picture will look when you have one for it will be more beautiful with all the puzzle pieces together than one piece alone and they will fit easily. All you have to do is take care of your own dream and desire, love yourself unconditionally and become aware of the guidance that is being given in each moment. It may seem selfish but it is the only way to help and love anyone else with integrity allowing them the same power you will eventually remember is yours.