In this moment you can find something to smile about. In this moment you can find something to enjoy and laugh about. In this moment you can find something to truly appreciate. In the doing or thinking that brings you to those feelings there is only one way you can feel and that is better than before: more joy, more peace, more comfort, more blessed, more of every emotion that brings you into your power to create/attract more of the things you like to smile about. It brings you more of the things you like to laugh about. It brings you more of the things you appreciate.
It is a simple process that is so easy and feels so good and takes no time, energy or money. The lovely irony is that in the doing of that in every moment you will actually expand time, increase your energy and money will flow into your life easily in magical ways.
Your health will improve, your weight will become ideal, your relationships will magically morph into supportive and loving experiences without drama.
You may say that this sounds way to good to be true yet what do you have to loose in just making it a habit in every moment to find your smile, or laughter or appreciation. There is not one moment no matter what is going on that you can’t find all or one of those unless you choose not to find them.
Most of us have been trained not to find them…so thorough is our training that we think it is a difficult process to find joy and appreciation in our every moment. It is not difficult and it actually feels so good the reward will be in the very moment and yet the rewards will exponentially increase in every aspect of your life.
Find your smile in this very moment…and if you can’t find it then just smile to make people wonder…works pretty well for any reason….lol…yes I am smiling right now.