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Amazing Friendship

Life is truly a blessing…there is no downside to this precious gift if you stay in the moment. It is a blink of your eye compared to your eternity, paradoxically not to be taken seriously and yet why not appreciate every moment as the precious gift it is…I mean really as the magnificent unlimited amazing and unique spiritual being that you truly are, there isn’t one part of life that you can’t handle, in fact not only handle but rock and enjoy and transform.
I am amazed by the gifts of every friend I have and how they add to my life just by enjoying their company…the way they tell stories, their talents, their laughter, their insights and growth, their love…I am so truly blessed by all of you and I want to thank you from the depth of my being to the very depth of yours and hope someday you realize how magnificent you truly are…what an amazing experience to be in your airspace…love you lots

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